Our Technology PARTNERS
Accelerate, drive and underpin your data ambitions for years to come through our chosen technology partners.
A modern data platform is essential when it comes to building data-driven solutions as efficiently as possible. We only partner with cloud-native data platforms that overcome the limitations of traditional data stacks. Designed to meet contemporary data needs, our partners’ platforms are quick to generate insights and business value whilst being cost effective and scalable.
We select and invest in technologies that are:
- Modular
- Decoupled
- Cloud native
- Integrated
- Governed
With our well architected environments built on our partners’ platforms you’ll benefit from data solutions that are easier, faster and less expensive to operate and govern.
Using cloud technology, you are able to leverage infinitely scalable compute power to process data, quickly and cost effectively.
We leverage native Microsoft Azure data services to build data platforms and products so that you can extract maximum value from your licence arrangements and exploit its full ecosystem. Our approach consolidates and simplifies your technology estate reducing the number of partners and tools needed to manage data.
And in an AI era with Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI and Chat GPT and its nascent integration into existing product sets, we are well positioned to help our clients build their LLM and generative AI capabilities.

Invest in the Microsoft Azure Data Accelerator
- Quickly get up and running with a solid foundation on the Azure ecosystem
- Up-skilling and knowledge transfer built-in
- Build out and scale your data platform with or without our support.
Email james.herbert@bepivotl.com to find out more and read our CTO’s blog on how to maximise your Microsoft subscription.
Cloud-native data solutions have emerged, which redefine modern data infrastructure, providing scalable and performant data warehouse and data lake solutions for data analysis and data science needs.
These solutions have evolved into fully fledged data platforms, which cover the full data lifecycle, thus negating the need to stitch together different data tools.
We partner with Databricks, which is built on the foundation of open standards and a data lake design, allowing our clients to store different types of data structures to enable machine learning models and data science.

Our services are available through these frameworks and we are a preferred supplier to many businesses.