Managed Services
Everything we build for you can be supported and continuously improved by our managed services – keeping your mission critical data and cloud services running on a 24×7 basis.
Individual support agreements can be defined on a service-by-service basis for a fixed cost.
Our team monitors cloud, software and data platforms, using our predictive alerting service to identify problems before they arise.
Our support service is grounded in agile and DevSecOps culture yet aligns to modern IT service management framework (ITIL) standards for governance.
We provide a managed service desk team, run by experienced, technically savvy service managers, and skilled engineers capable of logging, triaging, and resolving issues (guided by comprehensive run books).
Second level support is provided by a multidisciplinary team of engineers, versed in infrastructure, software, data, testing, security, and architecture. For particularly challenging issues, we can call upon a range of senior technologists with fine grained specialisms.
We can provide our own managed service software and implement and configure a solution based on your needs, or we can use any of your existing tools. We hold expertise across Azure DevOps, ServiceNow, Jira and ZenDesk.
Crucially, we bring data intelligence to how we provide monitoring, predict issues, and resolve technical debt; and we make service performance data available in near/real-time.